Science news and articles on pulse research

Overcoming the Challenges in the Production & Utilization of Plant Protein Isolates in Food Webinar

Presenter: Nagul S. Naguleswaran, Ph.D. Senior Associate Scientist, Global Research & Technology Ingredion Incorporated.

Overcoming the Challenges in the Production & Utilization of Plant Protein Isolates in Food Webinar

As a promising source of protein, pulses just might be the answer to a global demand for alternative proteins and growing market of vegan products. An upcoming webinar from the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) on pulse proteins to take place September 4, 2019 at noon CST explores the increased use of plant proteins in food products and the obstacles associated with achieving the target functional properties in their ingredients.

Register now for this free opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities associated with the production of selected plant protein isolates with the desired functional properties.


Plus – Explore these recent AOCS webinars covering pulses:

Discover more about the power of pulses by attending the inaugural AOCS Pulse Science and Technology Forum, November 5-7, in Toronto, Canada. The first-ever program of its kind offered by AOCS will take a closer look at rapid developments in the science and technology of proteins sourced from pulse crops.

Learn more about the program and save US $100 on registration when you make your plans early.

Overcoming the Challenges in the Production & Utilization of Plant Protein Isolates in Food Webinar
Overcoming the Challenges in the Production & Utilization of Plant Protein Isolates in Food Webinar
Overcoming the Challenges in the Production & Utilization of Plant Protein Isolates in Food Webinar

More Info

aocs / Plant Protein / Webinar

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