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USA Yellow Peas – Area Harvested vs Production Analysis


Exclusive Pulse Atlas data shows a second consecutive strong year for USA yellow peas following the enormous drop off due to drought in 2021. We have seen a 15% jump in yellow pea production year-on-year in 2023 – the highest production total since 2020. 

USA Yellow Peas – Imports vs Exports


As seen in the Pulse Atlas data above, 2019,  the last bumper year for yellow peas was followed by a year of heightened exports – an increase of 34% YoY. Provided global demand for yellow peas remains strong, we may see a similar rise in 2024.

Pulse Atlas: USA yellow pea numbers

  • USA yellow pea harvested acreage is higher in 2023 than any of the last six years at 1.343 MMT
  • Production of yellow peas is at a 3-year high of 2.194 MMT – a 15% rise from 2022
  • 2023 production is 7% above the 7 year average 

Insider insights

Gaurav Jain - AgPulse Analytica  

  • “US pea production is up as farmers had better yields – this will mean higher exports. We’re expecting they will export around 350,000 MT and that China and Canada will take more US yellow peas this year.  
  • “China has used Russian peas for feed up to now. There are currently three vessels loading in the Black Sea, so I don’t see any drop in Chinese demand for peas.”

Hannah Fratt - Commercial Lynks  

  • “Farmers are also finding yellow peas to be more profitable, which has contributed to higher acreage. There’s diversification in the market, as we continue to see standard uses such as pea protein, powdered protein, and protein shakes, but also lots of other new, innovative uses for pea protein.”
  • “The USDA has also been purchasing significant amounts of yellow peas with external stakeholders like Catholic Relief, USAID, and the World Food Programme – typically yellow split peas for international humanitarian assistance. Sometimes they are contracts for 2000 MT or as much as 6000 MT or 7000 MT.”