At a glance

The GPC Board of Directors - currently lead by GPC Board President Ms. Cindy Brown - is an Executive Committee of over 30 international members. 

If you want to become the India representative, you’ll need to apply  on or before 17:00 GMT on 19 January 2023. Late nominations will not be considered so… don’t hesitate!?

Application criteria:

• Individual Nominees must be paid members of GPC for at least two years (including the current year).

• Nominees will be assessed based on industry experience, unique skills or attributes, and history of support for GPC and GPC activities.

• It is also the desire of the Nominations Committee to recommend candidates who will ensure a balance of countries and regions, a diversity of gender and backgrounds, as well as a  broad mix of industry segments. 

• Note that no more than two (2) members from any one country may sit on the GPC Board of Directors at the same time. We currently have the maximum of two members on the Executive Committee for countries of Argentina, Canada, Singapore, Turkey, UAE, Ukraine, and USA. Candidates from these countries are not eligible until there is a new opening.

How to apply

1) Download, print and complete this form.

2) Return the completed form by email returning to

3) In your email, please briefly explain:

• Why would you like to serve on the GPC Board of Directors?

• What skill sets and prior experiences make you a good candidate for the Board of Directors? 

• Board of Directors members are expected to take an active role in at least one committee. What prior volunteer, community service or leadership experiences do you have?

• If you have any suggestions or ideas for the GPC Board of Directors please feel free to share them.

4) Candidates are also encouraged to provide a short bio or CV.