At a glance

Until this moment Brazil estimates to plant during the next year about 2,96 millions hectares, the area gonna be 4,5% higher than in 2016. This area will be divided into three crops that will be harvested in January/February, April/May and July/August of 2017. The first crop will dedicate 1,10 millions hectares to the Carioca bean and other colors and 0,18 millions hectares for the Black beans. In the second harvest the total area will be of 1,31 millions hectares and it is expected that the producers engage 0,40 millions hectares to Carioca bean and other colors, 0,11 millions hectares to the Black bean and 0,79 millions hectares to the Caupi bean. In the third crop the expectations so far is that the area will be of 0,67 millions hectares for Caupi beans, 0,79 millions hectares to the Carioca beans and other colors. If the average productivity among of all year is 1048 pounds per hectares it is hoped that we can come to have 3,1 millions tons.

The investments of the researchers in other varieties begin to deliver results. During the year of 2016 we increased the production of Mung beans and, by all indications we’ll have during the crop of 2017 small volumes of export of Mung bean, Pigeon Pea, and also from DRKB. This strategy aims not only the exports but the diversification of consumption in the domestic market. To the extent that our producers produce and the population consume other beans we decrease the dependency of the Carioca bean, that only exist on Brazil. In this way we hope that when there’s trouble in our production we have ease of acceptance by our consumers, of these others beans and we can import supplementing the lack of beans. We can import, for example, Pinto beans and avoid the value of the kilo back in extreme cases of price, level reached in 2016 when consumers paid as much as US$ 4,50 per kilo.

During the 5th Brazilian Dry Beans Forum and Special Crop in June 2017, there will be the launch of the first Pinto Beans Slow darning adapted to the climate of Brazil. This is already the case with the production of Caupis, we have been exporting the excess of this Bean giving liquidity to producers who invest in new varieties. The exception was in 2016 when we lost almost 90% of Caupi crop, drought caused by La Niña. There’s a very strong work being done this year by some companies to increase not only the export of this beans but also produce other Pulses like lentils, peas and chickpeas. Brazil until today has been the actual importer of these varieties. As far as you have incentives for diversification, first the internal market in Brazil will be answered, but could meet the global demand. One of the long awaited export news for next year is the IMPONENTE CAUPI BEANS. It has a big size. Great appearance and size make it a good news from producers and research from Brazil.

The question has been, If Brazil goes on to produce it, does the increase consumption in Asia really going to happen? We can reach 1 million hectares devoted to Pulses, for the next ten years, but for this, the producers and exporters will have to get security from contracts for production. Currently the exporters has been exposed too much on exports, for companies that do not honor their commitments, abandonment of cargoes in ports or hijack of product, tied by NOC has discouraged many companies. As the Brazilian Government has sought to establish better relations with various countries, producers and exporters expect that these initiatives are the beginning of more free, open and safe trade relations.